Meet Mel Green

Hola! My name is Mel & I live in the Canary Islands (off the coast of Morocco), but often pop back to the UK to see my family & friends. 

I can usually be found with my campervan by the beach, cooking in my apartment for friends & neighbours or working at my laptop in true digital nomad style!

Having made my first connection with Christian Surfers over 20 years ago whilst travelling through J-Bay, South Africa, I have been on quite an adventure with God. From working for the rich and famous in interior design, to an inner-city London Church, managing the Bali Surf House in Indonesia, then Oasis Surf House in Lanzarote, to more recently working online in graphic design & administration…

My real passion is to connect people & create community wherever I go, whether through local church, organising events or over a coffee.


Operations Manager role

Currently Christian Surfers is working in 37 different affiliated nations with 175 local mission groups focused on reaching surfers & surfing communities with the good news of Jesus. The vision for 2030 is to be in 100 countries with 1000 mission projects! To help achieve this practically there is a real need for an extra pair of experienced hands.

That’s where I come in! I have joined Roy & Casey on the Core Team as Operations Manager to support CS behind the scenes. My role is to ensure that projects are rolled out such as the ‘Surfers Bible’ into more languages and the global logistics, leadership & training materials are developed, as well as ensuring international gatherings around the world run smoothly - all behind the scenes support work.

Partner & Support

My personal testimony is that God has always been faithful & I am trusting He will provide the continued resources for me in this role. I actually started working 1 day a week in August 2023 after fundraising actively to friends, family & contacts for financial support for this job…and then another day of paid work was made possible through the ‘Surfers Bible’ project funding. Since April 2024 we were able to increase my work days to full-time because of a miracle - grant! It is staggered over time and will run out, so I need to continue to find regular supporters to help with the funding gap by the end of 2025.

If you would pray about partnering with me & joining my journey via financial generosity I’d be so grateful…and if you have any questions or want to discuss supporting me, I would love to meet up with you either in person or online. Please click on the button below to send an email to begin the conversation. Or know of any grants that I could apply for!!
Every little helps - thank you


Fundraiser for Leadership Gathering in Bali

In July there will be 10 days of an international crossroads/meeting in Bali, a conference time with the CSI Board, National Leaders & Core Staff in attendance. It is a pivotal time for my role and connecting with others. It happens every three years.

The trip expenses I am looking for help with to make it all possible are:

Flights £800

Conference fees £800

Total aiming for…£1600


Giving info

For a regular monthly donation to Mel’s Ops role (or a once-off gift especially for the Leadership Gathering, please see below for details.

Add the referenceMel Green Ops’ or Mel Green Gathering’ with any transactions. 


You can give in the following ways:

All donations in pounds can be given (one-off or set up monthly) through our 'Stewardship' charity account, this also enables a Gift Aid option for UK taxpayers. It is set up with CS North America and these funds will be specially allocated for Mel's new role.

Any questions please contact

Name - Christian Surfers International

EURO account details:
IBAN BE30 9672 8345 7911

Address - Wise Europe SA, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium.



Thank you in advance for your prayer, support and encouragement.

If you want to follow and join along for my journey through the means of my newsletter and stay in touch, please click below to reply via your preferred email.

Following Jesus is an adventure & I want to live my life to the fullest, serving others and sharing the Good News! Also don’t forget you’re always welcome to visit me in my van or apartment in Lanzarote, or wherever else I might be ...‘Mi casa, es tu casa’!