Against the backdrop of South Africa's magnificent beaches, Terran Williams, a passionate pastor, surfer, and gospel-communicator uses his love for Jesus and surfing to deliver 6 messages filled with surfing analogies of gospel truth.

In these 8-10 minute episodes, we follow Terran around the coast, exploring issues of faith, meaning, death, crisis and fulfilment. In each episode we're struck with the potency and simplicity of Jesus' words and what it means to be founded on the rock.

Nothing has the power to change people's lives like the gospel. We simply use surfing as the analogy for the good news and package it in a way that holds the viewer's attention. So when the gospel and media come together, lives can be radically changed.

"It is great to see a surf video series with such high production values and story-telling. I believe that God will use the 'On The Rocks' video series to impact the lives of many surfers worldwide!"
Founder and Director of Walking on Water, Bryan Jennings

"I am stoked to finally see a resource that combines great surfing content along with great biblical content and I did not need to cringe from either perspective"
International Director of Christian Surfers, Brett Davis

Series Overview

The Objective
The objective of “On the Rocks” is to introduce Jesus Christ and the gospel message to surfers. The videos are tools that churches, small groups, clubs or even individuals can use for both reaching surfers and helping others to become equipped to better reach the surfing cultures. This should be done in a fun environment and allow the participants to ask any questions they want. This will also provide for an opportunity to respond to any of the messages.

If you are wanting to lead a group through the series, there is a great Leaders Guide available for download here.

1. The Search
Surfers are always searching for that one more wave, that one more session. We live for them and when we experience it, it is amazing. But a few minutes, hours, days later, the hunger returns – and we start the search again. That’s because there is a God-shaped hole inside of us that only God can fill. Nothing in this whole creation – not even surfing – can fill that hole. Only Christ can.

2. The Impact Zone
Surfing sometimes feels like such a pure sport, like we’re free from all the junk in the world. But there are other times when there’s nothing pure about it. Sewage floats past. Someone drops in on you. A local tells you to go in. What’s going on? Surfing in itself may be pure, but surfers aren’t pure. We’re selfish. We’re corrupt. Just like the Bible says, ‘we’re all sinners’. Now that’s our real problem – and being a sinner means we’re in trouble with God. We’ve drifted into the impact zone of God’s judgment. We need a Saviour, someone who will take the judgment on their head instead of us – someone who’ll get us right with God.

3. Pure Stoke
Surfers experience a world of wonder. Only a surfer knows the feeling. The sheer amount of beauty, and thrill, and joy we experience. Sunsets, an early morning sunrise from the back line. It’s all ‘pure stoke’. The question is – who do we thank for this privilege? Some people thank nobody. Some people thank ‘the universe’. But, if we thought straight we’d thank God, the God revealed in the Bible. He is the one who made it all after all! And he is the one who has revealed himself to us by sending Jesus to us. Mind you, why stop at thanking him, when you can have a relationship with him. There is only one thing better than experiencing ‘pure stoke’ – it is having a relationship with the one who gave you the ‘pure stoke’ in the first place.

4. The Last Session
Surfers live on the edge of death all the time. Sharks, drowning, car accidents and crazy surf trips. Everyone is going to die. Every surfer will have their last session. But what happens when we die? You don’t have to guess. God’s Word clearly tells us. Depending on what we do with Jesus, we either spend all eternity with God, or all eternity apart from God.

5 & 6. Surfs Up, Parts 1 & 2
It reminds me of a phrase in the Bible: ‘Today, salvation has come to you.’ If this Bible phrase were being translated for surfers, probably it would say, ‘Salvation’s up!’ – Which means, God wants to do something in your life. He is ready to do it. So stop wasting your time, and don’t miss this amazing opportunity – let God do it now! This video is broken up into two life changing episodes.

Surf Tips – Audio Devotion
Every surfer, especially beginners, have spent time reading or watching some tips for surfing better. Similarly, every Christian, especially beginners, need some basic tips for following Christ better. There are ten of them. In this one Terran takes ten basic surf tips, and then by way of analogy, shows the parallel tip for following Christ. Click to download.