APAC Christian Surfers Gathering!

This past weekend, the picturesque coastal village of Lennox Head in Australia became the vibrant hub where 120 leaders from Asia and Pacific nations gathered to testify to and honor the name of Jesus!

Representatives from nations like Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Fiji, and the Solomon Islands were warmly welcomed by Joel from "Juraki," a nonprofit organization that promotes local Indigenous culture within the broader Australian and international surfing communities. The event kicked off with a unique sand ceremony, where sands from the shores of each represented nation were mixed and acquainted with one another.

The theme of the weekend, inspired by Colossians 1:27, focused on the great mystery of old that has now been revealed to God's people: Christ in you, the hope of Glory! As the wind of the Spirit moved and tongues of fire blazed, we joyfully heard the preaching of the Word, shared testimonies, and sang spontaneous and beloved songs of worship.

Our main speaker, Chris Chon, brought his energy and passion to the stage. With 16 years of leadership in Taiwan and a recent role as East Asia Regional Coordinator, Chris spoke powerfully about the call to missions, reminding us that while the waves don't need to hear about Jesus, the people do! He urged us to shift our focus, making missions about the people rather than the surf.

Throughout the gathering, we were blessed with testimonies and practical updates from each national leader. It was incredibly encouraging and inspiring to witness the incredible work of God throughout the Asia and Pacific Area! Amidst our time of worship and prayer, we were treated to the beautiful sound of each nation praying in their native language—a true celebration of our diversity in unity. And in a truly special moment, we had the privilege of witnessing two individuals deciding to get baptized!

After the gathering, on Monday night, I was fortunate enough to catch a surf at Snapper Rocks with only a handful of local young surfers. Just before darkness fell, one of them ecstatically shouted that he had successfully landed an impressive aerial maneuver, and all his friends erupted in cheers and celebration! Hearing their excitement reminded me of the joyous atmosphere we had experienced at the gathering—a group of friends celebrating Christ in each other and eagerly anticipating what God will do in our nations through the Christian Surfers ministry.

Truly, God is so good, and this weekend was a testament to His love, power, and the unity we can find in Him.

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