International Director's Report

The final evening of conference was reserved for the final International Director's Report from Brett Davis. You can listen to or download this above.

Along with his report, Brett and incoming International Director Roy Harley announced the location of the 2016 International Conference, which will be in...


CS Australia National Director Steve Bailey and Australasia Regional Coordinator Ric Ho and his wife welcomed us to attend for adventure and excitement in the land down under!

The final section of the report involved the tradition of placing dots on the map. Brett has been carrying around a gigantic world map for the last 10 years, as a visual representation of where Christian Surfers exists and seeks to exist around the world.

There has been three colours of dots in the past to represent this - red dots for areas we know have surf but no Christian Surfers presence, orange dots to represent areas where there is a Christian Surfers representative but no official group and green dots to represent where there is an active Christian Surfers mission.

This year a fourth colour, blue, was added to represent where Christian Surfers exists as a national movement - an organisation with multiple local missions and leadership dedicated to seeing their country's surfing communities reached with the love of Jesus.

Each of the National Directors and Regional Coordinators place the dots on the map representing their areas.