Day Four: Morning
The morning of day four was filled with all kinds of America, with North America getting their chance to put their culture on display. With 12 affiliated nations, this region is our biggest, and with the conference being held here, the majority of people present were from within the region - so there was a whole lot of action on stage!
The Costa Rican's set up a border and had each nation show why they should be allowed into the country - much hilarity ensued, especially when CSUS National Director Dean Plumlee burst out of a board bag wearing an appropriately themed Mexican wrestling mask while the rest of the American's sang 'Country Road' (Dean is from West Virginia). Golden!
We heard yet another inspired and insightful message from Britt, who has had a large impact across the board with his teaching touching many - make sure to listen to the sessions here on the blog!
Our incoming International Director Roy Harley also shared and we'll have that available online soon!