Go Uncharted!


2000 years ago, Jesus called the disciples to GO UNCHARTED. First to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth. No doubt the vast majority of the readers here are indeed a testament to the success of all those faithful in their obedience.

This call to Go Uncharted, to journey to the ends of the earth. The place where the ocean kisses the land. This is in our DNA as surfers. And as Christ followers.

Your gift today will play an integral role in helping your Christian Surfers movement to meet a VITAL US$35,000 funding need by December 31st!

Your movement of Jesus-loving surfers is boldly stepping into uncharted territories. And your generosity today will help fuel this mission whether it is through expanding the Surfers Bible Project into new languages, launching  CS into new nations on the fringes of the known surf world, or serving at wave pool events miles from the ocean. 

Help Your Movement Go Uncharted!