
(Click on image for the details of each act)

Act 1

(1 hour 20 mins)

Eric Arakawa is shaping your new board live!!!

Getting technical with Professor Matt Beacham

Living Life to the FULL with Roy Harley (Keynote)

Bethany Hamilton, Living an Unstoppable Life (Keynote)

Act 1

Act 2

(40 mins)

Shaped for Life

Eric Arakawa & Des Sawyer, surfboard shapers
Bianca Buitendag, WSL Tour campaigner
Matt Bromley, big wave charger
Stevie Sawyer, 2018 World Longboard Champ
Ana Barend, chaplain & former WQS surfer

The Heart of CS Girls

Riding the wave of change. Come hang with the girls in an epic global gathering! Hear from CS girls from around the world as they share their hearts on this movement that is empowering girls of all ages, in every surfing community, both in and out of the water. Bring your hopes, dreams and questions about CS girls to share.

CS Americas (en Español)

Forget any controversial heat and join us in a 4-man heat format joining CT surfers Filipe Toledo and Jesse Mendes, plus Costa Rica National Champion Jair Perez. Hear their own stories about professional surfing, life style and faith. What about heat interferences? Not here! Join us for a different approach right into the lineup.

Act 2

Act 3

(1 hour)

Jessi Muir and the thermal runaway of CS Girls around the globe

Jodene Watling, founder of CS Girls Australia on "Stages of Faith"

Sylven van den Boogaart on Groundswell Aid

Richard Ellerington talks Surf Church Collective planting sandy feet friendly churches

An exclusive Switchfoot performance

Finishing up the Eric Arakawa surfboard

Act 3


Act 4 - Area Meetings

Following the gathering, on September 13 there will be an opportunity to check in with your Area and hear about exciting goings-on in each, via a live, in-person Zoom chat with fellow Christian Surfers leaders and members.

EMEA meeting | September 13, 6pm GMT
7pm London | 8pm Cape Town | 8pm Paris |
10pm Mauritius
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Americas meeting | September 13, 9pm GMT
2pm Los Angeles | 3pm San Jose | 4pm Lima | 5pm New York | 6pm Sao Paulo
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APAC meeting | September 13, 9am GMT
4pm Jakarta | 5pm Perth | 6pm Tokyo |
7pm Sydney | 9pm Auckland | 11pm Papeete
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