Finishing Well - Part 3


by Brett Davis

This is the third part of a word God gave to me from 1 Samuel 12 about finishing well. The first part was "End clean to start clean," where Samuel invites those he has led to clear up any hurts or injustices thus leaving the way clear for unhindered relationship for his successor. The second part was "Look Back" and remember the successes and failures from the past and learn from them.

Now the third thing we see is "Look Forward."

"Now if you fear and worship the Lord and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the Lord's commands, then both you and your king will show that you recognize the Lord as your God. But if you rebel against the Lord's commands and refuse to listen to him, then his hand will be as heavy upon you as it was upon your ancestors." 1 Samuel 12:14-15

We must never stay 'looking back' at the past, even romanticising the 'good old days' as this will not serve the future. Leaders finish well when they urge people to holiness. I have been asked many times, "What is the best thing we can do for you Brett, and for CS?" I used to answer in terms of commitment, serving and giving but now I always respond, "Live a holy life." This is the greatest legacy a leader can leave, a holy people.

Many are in CS because it is 'fun' and it is! But our life in leadership is more than 'fun,' its not even about being happy, it is first of all being holy. As much as I want you to be happy, having fun, I want you to be holy - have holy fun?! Our faithful obedience, even when it hurts, is vital.

We often say we want God's hand upon us. Well, that depends. You can have God's hand of favour, blessing and support, OR you can have God's hand of heaviness, discipline and opposition. Hear this above everything else - the greatest support you want to moblise as a leader is GOD'S SUPPORT. More than human favour, money, programs or resources, we need the divine favour of God.

You finish well when you call the people from whom you are moving on to be devoted to God and to live holy lives.

I urge you also in light of this to consider a one-off gift to our current crowdfunding campaign to enable a new era of mission, extending the legacy from myself and many others from the past. Would you join me in honouring the past by investing in the future? Make your pledge today at