Changed Life: Allan
by Dustin Miller
Christian Surfers United States have been sending teams every year for the past six years to the Dominican Republic to partner with Surfistas Cristianos República Dominicana to put on an annual evangelical surf contest. This year wasn’t any different but I would like to share the story of a surfer whose life has been changed by what God has done through these trips. His name is Allan.
Allan is a Californian surfer who arrived in the DR eight years ago in order to start a Surf Tours Company. Allan quickly became assimilated to the local surf community. He started dating a local Dominican girl named Sobi and began moving forward with his business. At this point, Allan was pretty far from the Lord. He was drinking so much that he considered himself an alcoholic and saw his life being slowly destroyed because of it.
Bible study at the first contest back in 2011
Allan found an opportunity to change when his stateside business partner contacted Christian Surfers about hosting mission trips for CS in the DR. We agreed to the proposal and thought it a great way to encourage Allan in his life change. From that moment on, Allan quit drinking. It was a decision and change that started Allan on a voyage to a personal relationship with God. Over the next four years an annual mission team from CSUS came down and loved on Allan as they helped put on the surf contest. The local CS chapter also loved on and tracked with Allan as he considered God.
Allan, Sobi, and Sobi’s son, Emil
It wasn’t until last year, however, that God really grabbed hold of Allan. Sobi, now his wife, had a tumor in her head. After a few treatments it became obvious that brain surgery was necessary. The surgery, though successful, left Sobi in a state where Allan needed to attend to all her needs and take care of their 2-year-old daughter. The only hope that Sobi found at the time was in Jesus Christ and her congregation at a local Dominican church. Allan, realizing he had no control over what happened, gave himself to Christ completely. Sobi continues to recover and is now back working around the house. Allan has become a local leader in the CS chapter and everything has come full circle as he shared his testimony at this year’s surf contest. We praise God for the life of Allan, what God has done in his life, and what God has yet to do.