Serving at the Piha Pro

Christian Surfers New Zealand had the amazing opportunity to partner with WSL at the Piha Pro. As I'm sure most of you know already that this event was unfortunately cancelled one day before starting. But let us share the amazing stories of God's hand at work amongst us in Piha.

This is the core team that came day one and were going to be there to work the whole 3 weeks of set up, comp dates, & pack down. Left - Right: Logan (myself), Rach & Ben Buckley, Renee Johnston.

Day 1 we helped to setup the massive comp site, judging booth, athletes lounge & changing rooms and a massive VIP lounge all over looking South Piha. We helped to install screens around the  spectators area, bars, toilet blocks, etc it was a pretty huge undertaking to say the least. 

The first 4 days it soon came to light that there was so much to do and not so many hands to help, so the 4 of us that were there we were in high demand! It was awesome to be able to smash out the jobs to a high standard and come back asking 'what's next?' Already we were able to be such a blessing to the event organisers.

With some of the issues of unhappy locals & drama that comes with the territory, each morning we turned up to head quarters we seemed to be a breath of fresh air to the event organisers. 

One morning as we arrived one event staff said "YESSS the Christian Surfers are here, what a relief" And away we went helping relieve pressure where we could. 

This particular day we got asked if we'd like to come for dinner as a way to thank us, so that evening we went to one of the event organisers house for dinner with all the other staff event. After dinner one talented musician asked the CS crew if we could play a song for everyone, (Unfortunately none of us were good enough to play?!), but they continued in asking what about a worship song?? (We so wished one of us was musical!!) Then one of the event organisers piped up and said 'I think I know one, and went on to sing worship to God with everyone else picking up on the lyrics and all 20+ of us were singing praise to God. We ended up singing 3 songs in total which was amazing that all of the top staff of WSL Piha Pro would be in a room over looking Piha worshipping Jesus! Thanks Lord!

As the deadline of being ready got closer and closer the stress & hecticness of event organising grew. With this we were glad we had another 18 people arrive to help. This was a game changer as our numbers went from 5 - 23 over night. With this many people we would be given a job and before long we needed the next job, so our core team became the coordinators of the rest of the CS volunteers. We had people cleaning athletes houses, picking up athletes from airport, dropping packages off, setting up stages, rolling carpets, installing signage, you name it CSNZ crew were on top of it! The team worked so well together, laughing, and having a good time, they weren't fazed with plans being changed as they went along. Everyone just served willingly and earned trust with the crew we were working alongside.

Because of a the CSNZ family being so generous we raised enough funds so we were able to hire an amazing house in North Piha to host us all along with a few tents and caravans. Massive thanks to all who donated to help make this a reality!  

Having everyone stay together, surf together, eat and play games with young & old was amazing! It really showed that CSNZ is a family on mission! It was special to see everyone loving the whole experience together! 

One day away from the event starting, with carpet to be vacuumed and last bits and pieces to be done, we were so close to being ready...Everyone onsite got called into a meeting, 100+ people were in the VIP area waiting to be told whats next. "The Piha Pro has been cancelled......" The room was in shock, some were angry, lots were upset. We were told we have a lot of things to work through so everyone take a break and come back in an hour to hear where to from here.

We took all the CSNZ volunteers out for lunch while we waited.
I got this amazing peace and excitement over me as I prayed about what next. 

The top organisers had been working on this event for over a year so it was so gutting for them to have the event called off. Knowing that some staff could run, as funds might be withdrawn since no event was happening and some people may be loosing lots of money, we knew it was a time for us to knuckle down and do whatever we could to help. 

CSNZ was here to serve and so for us our purpose hadn't changed. We went back and spoke to WSL team and said "we are for as long as you need us". Some staff were visibly upset and it was an awesome opportunity for CSNZ to be the rock for WSL to lean on!

WSL put on a party for everyone that night to enjoy the set up that we had all put so much effort into creating. 

CSNZ had lots of meat that was donated to feed to the crew for the 3 weeks of work, so we decided to put on a big feed for everyone that night. WSL wanted to wait for CSNZ to arrive before they started the party as a way of saying thanks. The team was hurrying along as everyone was waiting for us but we were still preparing some of the food. Once we got there they were ready to party but we again were ready to serve. So we lifted the BBQ up stairs and cooked everyone some kai. Before eating one of our amazing CSNZ volunteers Tony Lafatanoa was asked to bless the Kai. He was handed the stage to share with over 100+ WSL event staff, locals, WSL competitors, & anyone involved. Tony was able to share why we were there, to give respect to everyone involved and to share that we can only love in this way because Jesus first loved us. It was a beautiful moment. Before he prayed the WSL comp director spoke up and went on to give his thanks to firstly Christian Surfers for you not only helped make it set up in time, but you restored out hope in humanity. This was a pretty surreal moment being put in the spotlight in front of all the top staff of WSL and anyone involved that night. Jesus got the glory that night!

The CSNZ volunteer crew stayed till everything was all packed down and all we could help with was done.

Over these days we were typically taken out for lunch or dinner most days, which was followed by a speech of thankfulness by one of the WSL staff. We felt privileged to be able to help!

It was truly a blessing to be able to practically serve in this way and to be there to love unconditionally in a time of need. Yes there was no awesome competition to enjoy at the end of it all but this only showed our intention even more. You can't always see the stars in the day time but they are still there, but when the night comes they shine even brighter.

This was the case for CSNZ.

Let's hope this event can run again next year and if they'll have us back we'll be there!!

Casey CrucianoComment