All I Wanna Do is Surf by Jessi Muir

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“Ping! Ping! Ping!”

The never-ending messages from my assortment of Facebook Messenger group chats were driving me crazy. I’m sitting at work for the fourth day in a row, while all of my mates are messaging plans to surf all day, for the third day in a row, making the most of the perfect swell that had rolled in.
With Covid-19 limiting everyone’s responsibilities, it seems the entire Surf Coast of Victoria were doing the only logical thing…go surfing.
I tortured myself, reading my friend’s messages about the 3-hour surf they just had, claiming it to be their, “best surf ever.”
I tossed my phone in my bag, annoyed at how inconsiderate my friends were being, surfing all day, while I had to be at work. Being essential sucks!

I tried to stay hopeful, that I’d score good waves on my way home from work, clocking off at 3pm. I took the 13th Beach Road home, driving past all the surf spots. The car parks were chockas, and so was the line up…every single one of them. My frustration was building the further I drove. I honestly couldn’t believe how selfish all these people were, when all I wanted to do was surf after working all day!
I finally found somewhere to park and sent out a text message to my friends, hoping someone would join me. Alas, everyone was too tired from already surfing all day.
You’re kidding me! All I want to do is surf with my friends, but they’re all too tired from surfing all day for the last 4 days. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I frustratingly pulled my wettie on, waxed my board and headed out into the crowded line-up, where social distancing was not a thing, apparently.

I paddled around for 45 minutes, frustrated at all the people in my way and frustrated about all the waves I wasn’t catching. The sun was starting to set and the sky was creating all these amazing colours that you can’t even describe. A friendly looking guy paddled out and sat near me, greeting me with a smile, and, “We’re pretty blessed to be out here, hey!”
I smiled and laughed, realising that I was actually missing the magic of the moment, before replying, “We certainly are.”
Suddenly, a decent looking set came rolling through, right where we were sitting. The friendly guy called me into it and it was the best wave of my session, so I thought it safe to head in afterwards.
I stood on the shore, staring up into the sky and all those amazing God-colours and laughed about how ridiculous I was for being frustrated about the absolute blessing it is to go surfing after working all day.

I think we all have those moments, where frustration can get the better of us, or our own ideas of how things should be, lead us away from being grateful and making the most of the opportunities we are given.
When we take a moment to look beyond ourselves and to God, we can be reminded of the great blessing we have received through His love and it is through His love for us that we are called to live. And in His perfect love is peace, even if the line up is crowded and you’ve been working all week while your friends are surfing!
Whatever your situation, in this weird time we are living in, look to God and let Him show you what you can be thankful for.
“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” – Colossians 2:7

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