Living Waters by Dave Jensen

Image:  Taylor Brant

Image: Taylor Brant

I walk onto the beach holding my shortboard, my sister is carrying her longboard, and my dad has his funboard. Looking around, I see longboarders, shortboarders, young kids, and old guys. A huge variety of surfers out there having a great time.

Surfing has made a huge impact on so many people. Surfers can be some of the most diverse and random groups. You have companies creating boards for amputees. You have missions trips to remote islands using surfing to share Christ. There are intense competition surfers and your classic old guy surfers, you have vacation surfers, and local surfers. It’s wild they all come from so many backgrounds and yet all dive into the same ocean for one purpose, surfing.

Just like there are many types of surfers, there are many kinds of Christians. We can all dive into the ocean together, like how we are all invited to dive into God’s love. Galatians 3 says, that we are all sons of God through our faith in Christ Jesus. Regardless, we all have that in common. We are all sinners, but, as Christians, we can unite in the fact that we have all been washed clean by the blood of Christ. The Bible then explains that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female but all are one in Christ. In surfer terms this is saying there is neither longboarder nor shortboarder, old guy nor grom, surfer nor swimmer, but we are all one in the body of Christ through faith.

Is this how we see other surfers around us? Galatians makes it very clear that we are all one in Christ. We need to remember this truth as we interact with our fellow believers every day. We need to see them as His sons and daughters. In the crazy world right now, it is important to come together as believers remembering we are one in Christ.


            "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-28

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