Living Water by Kim Hitchcock

This past week, Christian Surfers from around the world came together at the CSUS National Gathering in Florida. This was not at all what we had planned and we had made a major pivot in less than 30 days. We were all having visions of pipe and palms, so stoked to head to Hawaii together. So when the Covid restrictions hit Hawaii hard, we faced a very difficult choice: Carve a new line or Bail? How many times have we had this same choice on a wave?

We decided to carve hard and pray even harder, pouring our hearts into preparations that would enable our CS family to come together in the best way that the short time and situation would allow. It would have been WAY easier to cancel and count our losses but we were convicted to fight for it and God blessed us with Salty Church! It really challenged us in painful and beautiful ways; Like noodle arms from paddling just a bit too much, we definitely felt the stretch from this rigorous response.


The result was a profoundly moving and meaningful time for over 100 of our CS family. The gift of time with International friends, board members, chapter leaders, and all out CS Legends was so precious. We got to surf and serve with our CS family, honor many who give tirelessly to CS, and share in building a strong foundation of trust and faith for the future of CS.

Digging in to make it happen allowed for digging deeper into the word of God. Our friend Nic Gilmour inspired us all to “be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9) as we journeyed through the book of Joshua together. We needed this message more than ever and to be surrounded by our community, uplifting each other to go back and pour into others at our local beaches. Lives were changed and these memories will last a lifetime.

So when Sunday hit and we all headed to the beach for a dawn patrol session after a late night dinner and dance party, it was clearly evident that God had blessed our efforts and our CS family’s faithfulness. (See our Instagram video of our cross as the rain stopped and sun rose!) All week we were “about our Fathers business” (Luke 2:49) and this is exactly what we all must do time and time again!

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