10 Questions with Phil Williams
Phill Williams is committed to Christ and also, committed to get pitted.
We have embarked on a series of interviews entitled 10 Questions, where we will be shinning a light on all the weird and wonderful, frothing, Jesus-loving surfers that make up this global organization. Starting off with the national directors before gradually branching our way out to other legends that make up our CS Fam.
This week on the 10 Questions agenda, we have non-other than UK legend, Phil Williams! Enjoy the interview below.
1.) Full Name, Location & CS Chapter.
Phil Williams, Nailsea (United Kingdom) head up Christian Surfers UK and Europe and oversee EMEA
2.) How did you come to know and follow Christ?
I was a pastor’s kid when I was born, but like anybody, you have to make your own decisions about faith and this was through an organization called ‘Crusaders’ where I saw leaders there that I looked up to respected and lived life to the full. In addition to that, I had a really good youth leader that was very patient with us all whenever we strayed from the path! I made a commitment to Christ probably at the age of around 13, always very grateful for my Christian upbringing and the daily prayers of my parents
3.) Tell us a bit about where you’re from and your local surf spot.
I don't have any traditional local surf spots however I have the most consistent wave in the UK (1000 waves per hour) just 20 minutes away from me (Wavegarden Bristol) and I also have the longest wave 45 minutes away from me ‘The seven bore!’ – Longest ride 27 minutes. Both of these have amazing communities around them and I have been lucky enough to have been part of these communities in the case of the seven bore for just under 30 years and in the case of the Wavegarden ever since it opened just under two years ago.
4.) What does it mean to be a Christian Surfer?
To me it's about a global family, support, community, and something that I have dedicated the last 30 years of my life to. It's enabled me to travel throughout the world, to build friendships in communities further away than I ever thought, and it's meant I have been surrounded by an incredible group of people who love Christ and love surfing. It has also provided some amazing resources to help me share the good news of Christ with my friends.
Phil & the fam
5.) Your favourite verse and why you love it.
John 10 vs 10 has to be my favourite! It's not an encouragement to live life to the full but it's a demand, I think whatever you do in life you can live life to the full and this verse also I think helps breakdown preconceived ideas about a Christian being boring, and not getting the most out of life, so it's a great evangelical tool as well.
6.) A cool story of how CS has helped changed a life or brought someone to Christ.
A few years ago when we were serving at the Welsh surfing championships one of the crew decided they wanted to gift every one of the competitors a surfers Bible, a pretty radical thing to do at the time. Amazed to see when walking back from the contest site how many bibles were in the cabs of the various camper vans. The team prayed that they would be well received and a few weeks later we heard of somebody as a result of reading the Bible given to them made a decision to follow Christ, pretty amazing. Obviously, people had been praying for this young man in advance, but for us it was a reminder that God’s power through the Bible can change someone’s life for the good. Never underestimate the things we do, when partnering with Christ.
7.) One piece of advice you can give to your Christian Surfers?
Invest yourself in the ministry, pray for divine appointments at your local break, and be prepared to serve and see what God can do and will do through this. And don't forget to pray pray pray for your non-Christian surfer friends
8.) Funniest moment serving at an event.
Where do we start with this one! So many to think of but one that made me chuckle even now was at a particularly stormy contest site; the waves just got bigger and bigger right from the start of the day. We ran two heats before having to stop when one of the young groms who had taken 20 minutes to paddle out the back, caught one wave ran back to the beach was sick on the beach as he swallowed so much water and started to paddle out again. We then had to spend most of the day holding on to the tents as we saw storm after storm coming through, but amazingly on the Sunday we were able to complete the contest but that's another story #JesusCalmingTheStorm
9.) What verse has God got frothing on your heart at the moment?
Hebrews 11 vs 8 ‘By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going’ - This verse was so important to me around 20 years ago when I stepped out to live by faith to run Christian surfers in the UK and it remains a really powerful reminder of no matter what stage you are in life there will be times when you have to trust in God as a new challenge or set of circumstances begins
10.) Last time you burnt someone and had to ask God for forgiveness.
I have obviously never burnt anybody in my entire 40 years of surfing! Well maybe once or twice but can't think of the last time, although i can think of a fair number of CS crew that have burnt me