Living Water by Kim Hitchcock


The Japan Olympics are here, debuting the best surfers in the world and I can’t wait to watch the epic battles for the gold! It made me think about all the battles we face in daily life, both in and out of the water. While the Olympians intensely prepare years before the games, we spend hours and hours behind the scenes working hard on our personal journeys.

It’s difficult in these times to not feel attacked on some level. While the surf serves as a healing place for our weary souls, sometimes even surfing can feel like a mental struggle. Like peacefully waiting in the lineup and suddenly being charged with the thought of something below sends chills down your spine. Or someone drops in on you totally cutting you off and messing with your good vibes. How about when you have a day off and there are no waves! Or when the glory of a great ride that gets cut short by negative thoughts of how it wasn’t good enough. We learn a lot about ourselves in the way we respond in those “not so stoked” moments.


Have you ever noticed that this is how the enemy attacks out of the water as well, through lurking fears, negativity and obstacles blocking our progress? Spiritual battles take many different forms but are much the same in their nature. What is your default strategy during an attack? Do you fall back on your faith and into the heart of Jesus for your refuge or do you allow the darkness to take you under? Only He can keep us where the light is, especially in our darkest days. Ephesians 5:8


If you are facing what feels like a battle of Olympic-sized proportions today, remember God has equipped us with what we need in every situation and instructs us to put on his full armor to fight! (Ephesians 6:10) He never leaves us but instead descends from Heaven to fight for us and with us. “He reaches down from Heaven and saves me, challenging the one who trampled me”. Psalm 57 Thank God we don’t face these battles alone and although we may never realize a gold medal on earth, an imperishable crown awaits us in Heaven. Never give up!


“I will seek refuge in the shadow of your wings until danger passes... God sends his faithful love and truth!” Psalm 57

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