10 Questions with Emma Mortensen

Emma and her husband, Amandus.

1.) Full Name, Location & CS Chapter? 

Emma Mortensen, Sweden, Malmö

2.) How did you come to know and follow Christ?

I grew up in a Christian family and throughout my life with its ups and downs I’ve increasingly come to realize and experience how much I need Christ. 

CS Sweden enjoying a time of fellowship.

3.) Tell us a bit about where you’re from and your local surf spot.

I live in a city next to the ocean in the south of Sweden, with really nice beaches and skateparks all over. But unfortunately, Denmark is in the way of letting the waves come through haha. So we have to go 30-60 min drive north, south or east to get some good waves (Or to Denmark’s west coast when we have time haha). But the nice thing is to get some time together in the car to share life. Throughout the year it is normally surf-able, maybe 1-3 times a week. Surf spots are mostly windswell point breaks, jumping out from a pier in the storm haha, a lot of action and I love it! Becky, a friend from Australia said when she was here that you don’t go out for a simple paddle in Sweden, you prepare for war! That tells a bit about what surfing is like here in Sweden.

4.) What does it mean to be a Christian Surfer? 

Ultimately, it means to be salt and light wherever I surf and to be a whiteness to his love. It’s not about how good I am, but about how much Jesus actually loves every human. Personally, I get a really good reminder to choose to love people around me in the water when I think of Christian Surfers. Surfing is so self focused at times, and to me, being a Christian Surfers is something completely different. 

Emma preparing for war.

5.) Your favourite verse and why you love it.

Rom 5:8, tells so much about who God is! 

6.) A cool story of how CS has helped changed a life or brought someone to Christ.

My husband wasn’t a Christian when I first started to know him. We met in a skatepark and he was very interested in surfing (and also in me apparently hehe). He came along and started to surf with me and my sister. We spent a lot of time talking about Jesus and he started to come to church too, which impacted his life in many ways. He realized one day that he was healed from ocd, which he hadn’t had for a while after he started to go to church. It all ended with a love story, both with him and God and him and me haha. 

Emma, husband and a couple stallions.

7.) One piece of advice you can give to your Christian Surfers?

Think about how you would love to be served and greeted out at the 

beach, and then go out and do that to others.

8.) Funniest moment serving at an event.

Judging Swedish skateboarding championship in a penguin suit.

9.) What verse has God got frothing on your heart at the moment

John 11:25! He has conquered death for us!

Emma knows how to lay down the occasional hammer!

10.) Last time you burnt someone and had to ask God for forgiveness

Yesterday, it’s hard sometimes being a sinner married to a sinner. Thank you God for your forgiveness!!

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