Living Water by Leason Dancaescu

On the Gulf Coast of Florida, swells are most commonly short period wind swells. A usual day of surf is probably 5 - 7 seconds. While this is great to get your wave count up, there really isn't much waiting around for sets. You don't have to wait for the best wave as most all the waves hit the sandbar the same. You catch a wave, two or three duck dives on the paddle back out and you are in position to catch another one.


On a recent trip out west, after chatting with some of the Cali CS crew, something came to the forefront. You see, the swell period was 15 + seconds and this makes the sets less frequent but much bigger and much better than the normal waves. While I was busy scratching around on the inside, catching scraps that we would consider absolutely firing waves on the Gulf, the local crew was sitting out the back, patiently waiting for these bomb sets. As it turns out, I really - REALLY lack patience when it comes to surfing. Some of the sets could be 15 - 20 minutes apart and I would get antsy and paddle inside to catch good waves, but not the BEST waves on offer. I would find myself out of position for the sets, or even worse, end up taking three or four of the bombs on the head, all because I lacked patience.


While chatting about this with some of the CS crew, a question dawned on me, one I think we should all ask ourselves. How often do I get impatient with God’s moves and paddle inside to take a good wave but in turn make myself miss the best wave that the Lord is sending my way? “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” - Proverbs 16:9 Pray - Father God, give me the patience to trust and wait on you to establish my path. Help me not to become antsy and rush ahead with my own plans, although they may be GOOD plans, help me to be patient and wait for GOD plans. Help me to discern the difference and jump in wholeheartedly when the plans are from you.

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