Living Water by David Nehrig

It was almost exactly a year ago that we attended one of the most memorable paddle-outs I have ever been a part of. It was a beautiful Spring day and we had one of our first decent south swells of the season. The water was still pretty chilly, but the beach was crowded with Spring Breakers and everyone was excited to be outside in the sunshine. 

Paddle-outs have grown in popularity and are a great time to remember the loved ones that we lost here on Earth. I have attended many in honor of great men and women as we celebrate the life they lived here on earth. Of the handful of paddle-outs I have been a part of, nothing came close to this one. 

The San Clemente chapter had a paddle out for Jesus. We met down on the beach and had a time of sharing about what Jesus did on the cross. We paddled out and formed a huge circle to share and remember what Jesus did for all of us. My heart was filled with appreciation for what Jesus went through for me. 

As we are in this season of Easter, may we take the time to remember the death of Jesus on the cross. Matthew 27:45-46 is a heavy verse β€œFrom noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, β€œEli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means β€œMy God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) 

At that moment, all my sin and yours were put on Jesus. Sit in that for a moment! Jesus fully man yet fully God bore the weight of the world on his shoulders. He did this out of a deep love for us. How do we respond? How does this change everything? 

As we paddle out this season may our hearts be heavy for the lost. I want to challenge all of us to not just enter the Easter season lightly, but with a thankful heart for what Jesus went through for you and me on the cross.

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