Living Water by Dave Jensen

Image: Camilla Monsen

Who do you surf with? Who do you spend your time with? They say you become those you surround yourself with. So for me, I have worked to surround myself with men who are one step ahead of me. Christian men in my line of work, surfers who are way smarter than me, and of course stronger Christians. I look for men who have been where I am and got to where I want to go so I can learn from their mistakes in order to be successful. We all have a circle, but who do we bring in? Well of course other surfers. But do we have believers or the “cool guys” to help our social life? We all feed off our circle and as a result influence one another. 

The key is influence. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says “bad company ruins good morals” (NIV). Even way back when, Paul recognized that who you spend your time with is who you will become. So who do you go surf with? Is your circle bringing you closer to God or pulling you away? Are you actively seeking for people in your circle to bring you closer to Christ, or are you only worried about the surf? We become who we spend time with. So spend time with believers and more importantly Christ. Let us bring more Christian men and women into our circles to push each other to be more like Christ.

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