Living Water by Leason Dancaescu
Green room time, getting shacked, barreled, tubed, pitted, it goes by many names, but most surfers would agree that this is the pinnacle of surfing. Being totally enveloped, riding, surrounded by a wave. Time slows, the world looks different, our perspective changes and the hierarchy of things we consider important shifts. You are fully immersed in the moment, only focused on the path forward that the energy of the wave is pushing you towards. As surfers, if you get a good one, you are left continuously chasing that feeling, constantly barrel-hunting your way through sessions.
But getting barreled rarely, if ever, happens by chance. You have to work really hard most times, paddling yourself into position, often a dangerous position that most people would avoid. Getting yourself deeper than normal necessitates that you must commit to that paddle, to that wave, FULLY. Sending it over the ledge requires faith; faith in your abilities, faith in your positioning, and faith in the wave (that what you see stacking up is really a good ‘barrel’ wave, that our eyes or senses are not deceiving us).
What if we chose to live our Christian lives in this same manner? Allowing ourselves to be enveloped, completely surrounded by the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Fully present and aware in that moment He has placed us in, navigating the path He has set us on, using the energy and direction provided by Him, feeding our soul and refreshing our spirit. Our perspectives change, we stop focusing on things that the world considers important and begin focusing on what the Lord sees as worthy pursuits, direction, and purposes for our lives.
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” Romans 8:14 Let the Lord our God lead you and guide you - Commit FULLY and send it over the ledge!