Revelations from the Word
Image: Nick Hounsfield
We Have No god but Caesar!
Been reading through the Gospel of John. And my conclusion of the book kinda coincided nicely with Easter.
Anyway, before being crucified Jesus is brought before Pilate. And Pilate and Jesus have several interactions. It becomes clear to Pilate that Jesus is no ordinary man. One could even argue that Pilate gets struck to the heart. He comes to understand that Jesus is not guilty of any crime and that sentencing him to death would be a violation of justice. But Pilate is in a tricky position. Crucify the innocent or appease the screaming Jewish masses. He attempts a compromise; flog Jesus and hope the crowd is pacified. His plan fails! And instead, the crowd shouts “Crucify him!”
I love this last phrase before Jesus is led away to be crucified. The chief priests shout, “We have no king but Caesar!”
It’s deeply ironic. Yet so true. In that moment they’re faced with the reality of their hearts. They admit to who they serve. Caesar, the ruler of the world. Jesus, the author of light.
To get Jesus killed the chief priests confess to their crime: “We have no god but Caesar!” finally the truth is revealed. Jesus was not their God. The ruler of this world was. Jesus is crucified ✝️