Go Uncharted!
Kia ora,
If we haven’t met, I am Kirk Beyer, your CS Asia Pacific Area Director.
Dreams of travelling to uncharted surf destinations date back to my early grom days when I lined the walls of my room with Tracks Magazine centre spreads that had a four-page shot of perfect empty lineups and read “Live the Search”!
I would lie there, daydreaming of one day travelling to those uncharted surf destinations. What would it be like to meet the local people, taste the food and experience the culture?
As I’ve grown up and grown in my faith and understanding of the Gospel, that dream has expanded to the point where the waves aren’t the main focus anymore - the people are.
Don’t get me wrong, the waves, the food and the culture is still part of it!
But the thought that I have the opportunity through the great commission to share the Gospel to the uncharted reaches of the earth - that the message of Jesus would go to every tribe, nation and tongue, and be demonstrated through His ambassadors… Us!
Wow! That gets me frothed!
This message has been spreading across surf communities throughout Asia this year, and one of the newest CS crews to launch is CS Hong Kong!
Shegalla from Hong Kong reached out through the CS website early this year and was quickly introduced to Chris Chon, our East Asia Coordinator. A few months later, Shegalla and a small group flew to Taiwan to meet Chris and the CS Taiwan crew. Inspired and energized, they returned home to launch CS Hong Kong.
Shortly after the CS Hong Kong launch, six of their leaders journeyed to the East Asia Gathering in Siargo Island in September and heard how CS Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines are running. The whole East Asia team then gathered to pray over CS Hong Kong.
It was a powerful moment.
Now, the CS Hong Kong crew is looking to the future, praying for opportunities to reach the uncharted areas in and around Hong Kong, where many surfers are pre-believers.
I began this email by saying Kia ora - a common New Zealand greeting. In Māori it translates to ‘have life’. I can’t help but think how the CS Hong Kong crew are poised to bring life to the uncharted regions in and around Hong Kong.
CS Hong Kong meetsChris and the CS Taiwan crew
Thank you for being part of this incredible movement!
Love & Blessings,