Christian Surfers Ecuador
Christian Surfers Ecuador was born in 2009 under the wing of Jorge Edgecombe and his wife Mariuxi. They managed the chapter in Guayaquil for several years, building relationships with the nation’s surfing association and local surfing families. These weekly meetings raised a group of young leaders, which would later continue serving in the ministry.
In 2015 two of these leaders, Angie & Joaquin Cruz, decided to open a CS chapter at Montañita, a surf town located a few minutes from their home. They faithfully gathered for various months with only one kid who attended their weekly meetings until receiving a visit from Marquito Santos, who, with the Lord’s grace, helped grow the ministry 10 times its size. In 2016 Joaquin & Angie had to move to Colombia leaving Samuel & Jamie Tapia in charge. After leading the Montañita chapter for almost two years, in January 2018, Samuel became the new National Director.
Since the beginning CS Ecuador has strived to be a presence in Ecuadorian beaches, so every surfer gets a chance to know the Creator of the waves and worship His name together.