
Take a moment; a deep breath and imagine this – Jesus, in the peak of His ministry surrounded by the people of Israel, says to his closest friends, “the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few and far between. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Owner of the harvest to send out labourers into the harvest.” This was right after Jesus felt immense compassion to the chosen people of God, for “they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9) These closest friends of Jesus, his disciples, went on to solidify the movement of The Way (the term disciples used to refer to themselves and the church; Acts 24.14) which led to the Church as we have it today. A whopping twelve of them, empowered by the Spirit of course, made this possible! 

In the same way, we know that God has a special place in his heart for the surfing communities of the world. We know it is His heart’s desire to see all surfers and their communities have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus of Nazareth. A wayward, helpless community harassed and blinded by its own culture.

Out of the same drive of Jesus’ compassion, CSALT was born in the small surf town of Jeffreys Bay, a mecca for anyone that considers themselves a surfer. The year was 2009 when the Christian Surfers African Leadership Training was born. CSALT programs have begun in multiple locations since both in Australia and New Zealand. The modus operandi? Simple. Facilitate a dedicated time and space for individuals to walk in close relationship with leaders and become fully equipped to use their passion for surfing for means of spreading the Gospel all the while intentionally investing into and raising up influential leaders for the Christian Surfers’ local missions around the globe. 

It became like a well-oiled wave machine, following the way of life emulated through our Messiah. Spending time by His side learning The Way of the Kingdom by learning and doing simultaneously. The program has held true to it’s roots and vision to this day, organically growing as the years have gone by. The program is set up to take you on a journey that, we believe, will alter the course of your life. How is it different? An intimate group setting, with exhaustive (not exhausting) training, adventure in unknown cultures, enough waves to pour out your ears, friendships that cross all boundaries and affirmation of calling you can only find in our Creator, the Shaper of our lives. We still believe to – “not despise these small beginnings, for our Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”

Are you thirsty for Life? Ask around about CSALT or jump on the interweb and get those fingers surfing. 

Interested in doing a CSALT programme? Well, we’ve got good news for y’all! CSALT J-Bay is giving away a three-month course for 2021.

Head over to their Instagram page to find out how to enter:

And find out more about CSALT J-Bay on their website:


Henku Grobler - CSALT J-Bay Programme Coordinator.

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