Living Water by Lena Hoffman


Lately I have had a lot of surf sessions where I paddled out before the tide change happened. I had to go through longer waiting periods of almost no waves until the tide finally changed and the waves were picking up and it was becoming really good. Those waiting periods required a lot of patience. There were moments were I almost wanted to give up and just call it a not so successful surf session, but I knew if I would wait it out a bit more, it would change.


Knowing the tides and the affect tidal swings have on your local spot are so important in surfing. If the swell is too small and the tide is too high, the waves may not even break until hitting the actual beach. Too low a tide may drain things out. Some tidal swings are drastic and very noticeable with the affects it has on the local surf, as others tidal changes are minimal and have little effect. Figuring out what works for your favorite spots comes with experience.


In our lives we also go through different seasons or in surfing terms we could say tides. Sometimes we find ourselves in high tides, sometimes in low tides and sometimes in changing tide periods. They can be hard and do require patience, but as believers we know that God is faithful and if we wait on him He will fulfill His promises even if it feels like nothing is changing. We know this - same as in surfing - by experience. If we have been through waiting times in our life before, we know that God has come through and that He will again.


“I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.” Psalm 130:6


“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

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