Living Water by Abby Garbark


When I’m in the line up I’m constantly paddling around, like a crazy person, from peak to peak chasing after my next wave. You can conclude I’m quite impatient during the waiting period!!  I’m sure y’all can attest to this too. Right after catching a wave you’re already dreaming of the next one. Anticipating when it will come, how big it will be, and the length of the ride. Or maybe that’s just me!!

We live in a world that is all about instant gratification. If you want it you can get it right now and if that’s not fast enough there’s always Amazon Prime. Seriously it’s crazy! I can’t help but wonder what we are missing if we just decided to pause for a moment.

I realized the waiting period is so important and actually such a precious gift. Not just in surfing but in life too. It’s a time to reflect on the blessings in our life, breathe, and to be excited in the promise that is to come. What promise? Well there’s a few obvious ones like: Jesus will return one day, He doesn’t leave or forsake you, and that He knit you together in your mother’s womb for a purpose. Or maybe it’s a promise that no else knows about and it’s buried deep within your soul. The promises we receive from Him are both a seed and harvest. It starts off as a seed and then you have to WAIT until the seed will turn into a harvest. Thankfully God uses the waiting period to refine us, so that we bring him glory.

There is so much to be learned during a season of waiting on Lord. I’m learning this now and no it’s definitely not always fun. But He is so good!! 

Something to ponder is how we view the waiting. It could be joyful or full of sorrow. The choice is ours.

Read these scriptures: 

Isaiah 40:31

Deuteronomy 31:6

Psalm 139:13-14

2 Corinthians 1:20-21

P.S. Remember God’s timetable is better than anything you could schedule!

Image: Chris Falzone 

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