Living Water by Amy Nehrig

Growing up in Venice Beach, California I was at the beach every single day. You could find me playing a pick up game of beach volleyball any free moment I had at Eastwind Street. I loved being in the water but that was something we did AFTER our games were over. The ocean was my place only after I exhausted myself on the sand and needed to rinse off. My friends and I loved all things adventure so we would surf Venice Breakwater, El Porto, or Malibu depending on where the cutest guys were, not where the swell was hitting. Yep, it pains David to the core to say this, but surfing was social for me. So you can imagine how it turned out when we first started dating and went surfing together. I was looking forward to enjoying a day in the water, talking, laughing, and just being together. The reality of the situation hit me when we got to the water and he took off. What? Why was he in such a hurry? I finally caught up with him and the first thing he said to me was “you don’t read the waves right and you need to paddle harder” Was this guy for real? 

Years later I now understand David’s intentions from what appeared to be such harsh words. David wanted the best for me, saw my potential, my love for the water and he wanted me to enjoy surfing the way he did. Sometimes I think so many of us view God this way. We think His rules and boundaries might be harsh. Or we might be offended by just how straight forward and real the Gospel is. I think sometimes we want all of Jesus’ words to be packaged in a pretty and positive way like how I wanted David to be with me in the water. But God is real and he wants the best for us too. God wants us to live a full life and he knows that means living in the boundaries he has set for us. 

Psalm 16:11 says that “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” God’s Word is there to instruct us and encourage us every day. Just like the first time David took me surfing, His words might not be what I wanted to hear, but they kept me safe and growing in my abilities. God’s words have depth and meaning in your life, listen to each and everyone of them knowing he wants the best for you too.

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