10 Questions with David Nehrig

When it comes to National Directors - we’re looking for men and women who put God first - but it doesn’t hurt when your ND knows how to lay it on rail like a boss too.

Getting to know this global movement of Jesus-loving surf frothers. This week we’re getting to know the director of Christian Surfers, USA, David Nehrig. Sit back, relax and dive in!

1.) Full Name, Location & CS Chapter?

David Nehrig, Huntington Beach, California, HB Chapter.

2.) How did you come to know and follow Christ?

 I was so blessed to grow up in a solid Christian family. As a Junior High grom, I invited Jesus into my life and decided on my own to follow him. I got the privilege and honor to be discipled by an amazing Godly man who also ripped at surfing. He helped me grow in my walk with the Lord and my passion for ministry. 


3.) Tell us a bit about where you’re from and your local surf spot.

I was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. My wife Amy and I have four boys that love growing up in HB. I have watched Huntington grow from open fields and oil drills to the “Surf City” it is today. My local spot would be the Northside HB Pier but I love surfing river jetties since that’s where our high school surf team surfed every day.

David and Family.


4.) What does it mean to be a Christian Surfer? 

This is a great question. For years and years, I had a hard time with this question. I would compartmentalize my walk with the Lord and surfing. I kept them actively separated. I have grown and realized how important it is to give God everything and it is all his to begin with. This truth has helped me in my journey of surrendering it all back to him. So I am a follower of Christ stumbling toward Jesus as a husband, father, son, and surfer.


5.) Your favorite verse and why you love it.

This question has a little history with me. As a kid growing up with 9 siblings and being at church a few times a week, I got to learn a lot of verses. However, as a very active young boy, I also liked to hurry up and finish my work so I could go outside and play. So when the Sunday School teacher or my mom would ask this question, I would always answer “Jesus wept,” John 11:35. This was the shortest verse in the Bible and therefore the easiest and quickest answer to get me out to play. This verse over time has continued to be one of my favorite verses for many more reasons. The fact that my Savior would weep over a friend’s death is incredible. He was mourning with others over the death of Lazarus. I tend to get emotional over things that matter to me easily and so I love the fact how sensitive Jesus is. 

Dave - no stranger to the pig-dog.


6.) A cool story of how CS has helped changed a life or brought someone to Christ.

One of my good friends got involved in CS and from that season he met a bunch of people. As God continued to guide him and use him, he ended up being called to pastor a church in my hometown of HB. Watching God use him in and out of the water is so incredible. God is impacting so many people because of Nate saying yes to serving the Lord.


7.) One piece of advice you can give to your Christian Surfers?

Take the CS mission of being a family on a mission seriously. One of the best parts of Christian Surfers is the interconnectedness between local chapters, different regions, and CSI. There is something so beautiful about God’s Kingdom working together all across the world. My little individual family unit has all been on a mission together but it is so much richer to further the kingdom with other surfers around the globe.


8.) Funniest moment serving at an event.

At the National Gathering, we did an 80’s theme evening. It was at the same time as Salty Church’s Saturday evening service. Our whole group came fully decked out in our costumes and the looks on peoples’ faces were priceless.


9.) What verse has God got frothing on your heart at the moment

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you “Be strong and Courageous”

At times I get scared or timid or forget to trust the Lord. So, my prayer is to remember who fights the battle and to walk in that strength.


10.) Last time you burnt someone and had to ask God for forgiveness

I am 6’4, 200lbs, and built like Jordy Smith (plus a few extra pounds). In addition, growing up in the environment I did with so many siblings, we were very competitive. So, with that combination, I have some work to do in this area. Most recently I had a little altercation at a spot less than a mile from my local break. The guy thought I dropped in on him and the tension was high. Next thing I know he’s cussing me out and trying to get in my face. You know when things are to the point of ridiculous and you can’t help but smile. Apparently, that wasn’t the reaction he wanted. When I caught my next wave, I felt this giant push from behind. My boys have rewound it on the surf cams over and over, they think it’s hilarious to watch me being pushed off my board. I am growing and learning patience and the joy of sharing waves in the water.  

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