Living Water by David Nehrig

As everyone already knows I love going to Baja California. The second I cross the border it just feels right. My van starts running better, I go out of cell phone range, and I feel my whole body relax. One of the many signs where I know that I have crossed the border is the aroma. There are so many smells and things to see. I love it. If you were to blindfold me and put me in a van, I could tell you by the smells the exact moment we crossed the border into Mexico.

The water and beaches of Baja even have a different smell. And then, best of all, after a long surf we pull up to a taco stand and smell the meat cooking and the handmade fresh tortillas being made. My senses go into overload. Baja Mexico has a smell that is burned into my mind and my soul forever.

Just like Baja, we each carry our own aroma. What fragrance do you have to others? At Christian Surfers we want to have the aroma of Christ. We want others to walk by a chapter meeting and smell something different. As we surf our local spots we want the locals to smell the love of Christ. We want to be known as a place where people can relax, let their guard down, and be welcomed any time into our chapters and our community.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15. But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Think for a minute about the aroma you give off in the water, on the beaches, and in our parking lots while suiting up. When people think of you, do they think man that guy stinks and I need to stay away?  Or do you have a different aroma that draws people into a relationship?

May God help us to have the aroma of Christ, a sweet and pleasing aroma on every beach we represent.

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