Living Water by Emily Benedetto
Image: Alan van Gysen
We can all agree that storms and hardships are just a way of life. As much as we may hate the process, we can't deny the growth that occurs afterward. Recently, I was in El Salvador for the CS Americas conference and the waves were pumping. It had probably been a solid year since riding waves of that size and I was definitely feeling jittery.
As I stood on the shoreline looking at a set roll-in, I just kept telling myself that I've got this, but part of me was still doubting. I took a moment to close my eyes, feel the water at my feet, and said "Alright God, here we go". I instantly felt peace wash over my heart and I experienced a confidence that I hadn't felt while surfing in a long time. I may not have dropped in on the biggest set wave that day, but I did have a blast. I had a blast getting front-row seats to some of the most gorgeous waves ever, I had a blast grabbing a couple of waves and I had a blast enjoying the view of the El Salvadorian black sand beach.
As surfers, there's always the possibility of getting wrecked and I could've easily given up at first glance, doubted my abilities, and stayed on the sand; but the joy I experienced in the water would've been lost. Just like the waves, sometimes we create excuses in our minds for what God has presented to us. As we stare at those obstacles, it's so easy to draw up walls in hopes of protecting ourselves or creating boundaries when we are scared of being hurt, but we have a powerful LORD on our side! We are called to battle and can not do that if we make excuses or put up too many walls around our hearts. Yes, there is a risk of being hurt, but we have access to a powerful God who will be with us whether we prevail or need to pick up the pieces in the end. So next time you feel jittery about a situation or are scared of being hurt, take a moment to close your eyes, pray for the Lord to back you up, and say "Alright God, here we go!"