Our Father
Image: WSL / Barripp
So there’s this verse I’ve been mulling over. More like a line. One day the disciples come to Jesus asking him how to pray. Jesus responds and starts off by saying: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Luke 11:2 KJ
Jesus begins by referring to the Creator of the Universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, as well as you and I, as Our Father.
I love that.
My life’s been through the wringer of late. I was surfing in a nearby city and returned to the beach only to find my car stolen! My father proceeded to drive me around the city to various police stations to open up a case. The next day, without batting an eyelid, my father drove me through the backroads of a notoriously dangerous informal settlement in search of the stolen vehicle.
A couple of weeks later, while skating in the parking lot with my son, I fell and broke my arm. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. I was wheeled into the ER tripping on morphine to be greeted by my father holding a meat pie and a Coke.
When life gets rough I have a father who won’t hesitate to drop whatever he’s doing to help a son out.
It wasn’t always like this. For many years my parents where missionaries in Singapore. When my car broke down. When I ran outta petrol. I couldn’t call on my Father to bail me out. I had to hustle.
I can’t help but think how a good earthly father reflects our Father in heaven. And I love how Jesus begins his ltutorial in prayer with that line: Our Father who art in heaven.
A crucial line.
Prayer needs to be framed in the knowledge of God being our Father. Who is worthy of adoration.
David writes in Psalm 23:
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
Even if my earthly father wasn’t there when my car got stolen. Even if he didn’t meet me at the hospital when I broke my arm. I know my Heavenly Father is with me. I sense His close presence.
David says: I will fear no evil. For YOU are with me.
The Creator of the universe. Who is also our Father. Is with you.
By Cyle Myers - CS Comms Manager