Living Water


Here’s a wonderful piece by Cheyne Jobbins (Christian Surfers USA) who encourages us to embrace life’s trials. Because sometimes we get stuck in the impact zone, unable to break free and it’s in these moments that we need to trust that God is with us!


Recently I was surfing a spot (to remain unnamed) and got to see Dane Reynolds surf in person.

It was truly amazing. Aside from his freakish surfing ability, something else about him blew my mind. No offence to Dane, but he doesn’t strike me as the most “in shape” guy out there. At one point during the session we were both stuck inside paddling back out. Dane paddled by me like I was standing still then proceeded to catch multiple more waves and paddle by me multiple times while I was still stuck, unmoving on the inside. I realized learning how to get pounded and make it through is a skill that comes with time and experience and especially repetition.

I was extremely frustrated and impatient having to pay my dues stuck on the inside, and the harder I tried to surf kick and scream to make it out, the more fatigued I became. Every good surfer knows the ocean always has its way, you just have to go with the flow until it lets up.

In the same way I’ve been learning about sanctification and Jesus having his way in my life. Unfortunately I usually react in the same way too, kicking, screaming, cursing and trying to fight God, going nowhere.

James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” When you see a mature Christian going through a trial, it’s even more amazing than seeing a great surfer overcome the paddle of a heavy day. This maturity, unfortunately, comes through being stuck inside, pounded, held down, flipped around and coming out the other side with stronger muscles and a greater sense of the ocean. You can’t fight the ocean, and if you don’t panic, it actually can be enjoyable while you’re taking a beating.

You can’t stop trials. Don’t panic, just allow God to do his work and when the trial lets up, you will having greater sense of God’s character and be more mature and just that much more ready for the next one.
PS, I love you Dane.

Cyle Myers1 Comment